A year ago white patches began to appear around my eyes and mouth. I searched on the internet and was struck by some terrifying images. Luckily I happened upon Clinic Lémanic’s website where I discovered that there were treatments available. I made an appointment and the dermatologist diagnosed me with vitiligo. After two months of treatment, the white patches disappeared! What more could you want? I’m thrilled with the results.
Éric P., 42 years

My vitiligo began at age 9 so the disease has always been a part of my life. Dermatologist after dermatologist told me that nothing could be done. I did my best to accept my condition and move on but when I heard there was a possible treatment I couldn’t believe my ears! But it was true and I am now very happy with the results. My skin is noticeably improved. I finally have my life back.
Lana D., 27 years